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Helena Popovic
Dec 12, 20242 min read
It's never too late! Want to learn to play the piano as an adult?
Absolutely, yes! The key question is how quickly you progress and how much time you take to do it. Adults learn the piano differently...
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Momcilo Radojevic
Oct 13, 20241 min read
Why is it important to play an instrument? Piano lessons for kids.
Playing an instrument combines movement, intellect and feeling and promotes intellectual development in an astonishing way. It is not...
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Momcilo Radojevic
Oct 11, 20242 min read
Do you need a real piano or is the electric piano sufficient?
Wo liegen die Unterschiede zwischen Klavier und E-Piano, und welches ist die bessere Wahl? Reicht ein E-Piano aus?
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Momcilo Radojevic
Oct 10, 20241 min read
When do you start piano lessons?
There is no general answer to the question of the ideal age for starting piano lessons, as it depends on the individual abilities and...
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Momcilo Radojevic
Oct 10, 20241 min read
How often should you take piano lessons?
First of all, the question is: what are your goals and what are your child's goals? If the path is to lead towards professional training...
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